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Kramer Nevins Surgical Curette, KN1/2

SKU: GD-854
Availability: In Stock

The Kramer Navins Surgical Curette, KN 1/2, is a specially designed instrument for scaling and root planning procedures. It is similar to the KN 5/6 but has sharper chisel blades. Besides that, the blades are straight in design, allowing for efficient curettage of the root surface and periodontal pockets.



Product Review

Our Kramer Navins Surgical Curette, KN ½, is ergonomic to remove plaque, calculus, and diseased tissue from the subgingival root surface. Moreover, in the anterior region of the mouth, it’s helpful for scaling and root planning.

Additionally, it is:

• Easy to handle 
• Sharp
• Exquisite in structure 
• German stainless steel made


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