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A Complete Guide to Temp Tooth Filling

A Complete Guide to Temp Tooth Filling

Having a cavity can be a harrowing and inconvenient experience. Dental fillings are the perfect solution if you want to relieve this pain. 

But did you know there are two types of fillings: temporary and permanent?

Temp tooth filling plays a vital role in preserving the health and function of teeth before permanent restoration. Moreover, it is a safe and effective way.

This blog post will discuss everything you need about temporary tooth filling.  

So, keep reading! 

What Is A Temp Tooth Filling?

Temp tooth filling is the short-term solution to protect the tooth. Making permanent filling takes a little time, so dentists fill it too quickly to save it. This process is also called "Temporary restoration."

The material that dentists use in this procedure is generally softer and malleable. Moreover, they often use porcelain composite resin. 

Why Is Temp Filling for Tooth Necessary?

Many reasons may lead to temp filling. Let's discuss some of the most common.

After Root Canal Treatment: 

The dentist may place a temporary filling to protect the treated area until a permanent filling or crown is placed.

Pain Relief: 

If a cavity causes pain, the dentist may place a temp filling for the tooth to relieve the pain and allow you to eat and work until the final packing.

Cavities and Dental Damage:

Once a cavity has developed, it can spread and damage the tooth. A temp tooth filling can protect the tooth from further damage while you wait for the final filling.

Ensure That Permanent Filling Is Possible:

It may be some time before a permanent filling is possible. In this case, the tooth can be fixed with a temporary filling until the permanent filling is ready.

Tooth Sensitivity: 

A temporary filling can relieve the discomfort if a tooth is susceptible because the dentin (the layer beneath the tooth enamel) is exposed.

What to Expect When Getting A Temporary Tooth Filling

You don't need to worry about this procedure. This is an effortless procedure.

Dentists start the procedure by numbing the affected area. Then he will clean the area and remove the decayed part before placing the filling. Once the filling is in place, the restoration follows the contours of the tooth and does not affect the occlusion. All these procedures require clean and sterilized instruments via ultrasonic clear

What Is the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Fillings?

Temporary Fillings:

  • As you can suggest from the name, it should not have any hard material. So, this filling is made of a flexible material, which is very easy to remove. 
  • They are usually made of zinc oxide-eugenol cement, a material that is soft and easy to work with. 
  • Temporary fillings are less solid and durable, making them more likely to break. 

Permanent Filling:

  • The hard-filling material makes it a good choice and is essential for an extended period. 
  • They are usually made of amalgam, composite resin, or porcelain. Amalgam is a silver-colored filling material that is strong and durable but less aesthetic than composite resin or porcelain.
  • Composite resin is a tooth-colored filling material, more esthetic than amalgam, but less intense and less durable. 

What Are the Pros and Cons of Temporary Fillings?

 Let's take a look at the pros and cons of temp tooth filling.


  • Immediate relief: these fillings provide immediate relief from the discomfort caused by dental procedures or cavities.
  • Protective: Best temp tooth filling protects teeth from wear and decay by creating a barrier.
  • Functional: you can eat and drink comfortably while waiting for the final filling.
  • Cost-effective: They are generally less expensive than permanent fillings.


  • Less durable: temporary dental fillings are likelier to fall out or loose.
  • Unappealing: temp fillings may not be as aesthetically pleasing as permanent fillings.
  • Need for replacement: temporary fillings usually must be replaced by permanent fillings after a few weeks or months.

How Long Does Best Temp Filling for Tooth Last?

Temporary sealants and semi-permanent filling materials wear out over time. The material can crack or fall out if not replaced because of its flexibility. 

The exact lifespan varies. It can last from a few weeks to a few months. It depends on the individual used material. Therefore, consult your dentist and inquire about this procedure and get all the necessary details before getting a temp filling. 

Maintenance of Temporary Dental Filling

The care of temp tooth filling is similar to that of natural teeth, but they require special treatment.

  1. CAUTION: use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid chewing complex objects on the side where the temp filling for tooth is located.
  2. Careful cleaning: continue to brush and floss, but be careful around the temporary filling.
  3. Avoid sticky foods: such as sweets and chewing gum, which can pull the filling out.
  4. Brush and floss as usual: Be careful when brushing your teeth with temporary fillings.

Here are some other suggestions

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride protects teeth from cavities.
  • Regular loss helps temporarily remove clogged plaque and bacteria.
  • Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings. 

Do Temporary Dental Fillings Have Side Effects?

If a temporary filling has to be removed, the dentist may have to re-notch the tooth with a burr or other dental tool to remove the fill.

This procedure is painless and uncomfortable; temporary fillings are generally easier to remove. Sensitivity may occur after the process, but this is temporary and normal.

If the patient does not return for a permanent filling, the material used to make the temp tooth filling gradually decomposes, exposing the cavity. This causes the growth of bacteria at that spot, and this leads to infection. 

Furthermore, there is the least chance that some people may have an allergic reaction to the material filling. Signs of an allergic reaction include 

  • Swelling of the mouth
  • A rash or itching in the affected area

What Foods Should Be Avoided During A Temp Tooth Filling?

You must avoid some food such as

  1. Hard foods: Easting this food puts too much pressure. This can lead to cracking or falling the filling. So, avoid some foods such as nuts, seeds, popcorn, ice cream, and hard candies.
  2. Soft foods: Some foods are cheesy and exert pressure on the filling. Examples of these soft foods include chewing gum and licorice. 
  3. Sticky foods: These can stick to the filling and dislodge it. Examples include peanut butter and caramel.
  4. Spicy foods: These can irritate the gums around the filling and cause pain.
  5. Acidic foods: These can erode the enamel around the filling and increase the risk of tooth decay. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar are examples of acidic foods.

Avoid chewing hard or chewy foods even if you're not on the side with the temporary dental impression. This will prevent the quick appearance from cracking or falling out.

What Should I Do If My Temporary Tooth Filling Falls Out?

Is it a bit wobbly? The temporary restoration may have become dislodged. 

  • Look for changes: If the feel of the temporary tooth changes when you bite into it, the temporary tooth may have been dislodged.
  • Check for discomfort: Increased sensitivity or pain may also indicate that the joint has been dislodged.
  • Visual inspection: Observe the joint. Any change or movement may indicate a loose seal.

What Should I Do If the Temporary Filling Of The Tooth Comes Loose?

If the filling is loose, don't panic. Take the following steps:

  1. Avoid swallowing the seal if you can in time.
  2. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and clean the affected area.
  3. Call the dentist and make an emergency appointment. Sealants are not available over the counter.
  4. Brush your teeth thoroughly with a toothbrush and mouthwash.

How Long Do Temporary Fillings Last?

Temporary dental fillings generally last 6 to 8 weeks but can sometimes last up to three months. The exact duration of a temp filling for a tooth depends on a number of factors, including.

  • The type of material used: Eugenol zinc oxide cement is the best temp tooth filling material and is relatively inexpensive. Other materials, such as composite resin, are more expensive but last longer.
  • Dentist's skills: The dentist who places the temporary filling plays a decisive role in the longevity of the temporary tooth filling. Dentists with more experience with temp tooth fillings are likelier to maintain them for longer.
  • Oral hygiene: Temporary fillings will likely last longer if oral hygiene is good. Indeed, good oral hygiene can prevent cavities from forming around the filling.

Why Do Fillings Damage My Teeth?

You may not notice the change yourself, but your chewing system does and tries to restore your teeth to their original state.

Without realizing it, you're chewing on a new filling. The hardness of the filling pushes the filled tooth against the alveolar bone. This can cause toothache, especially when chewing.

Ask your dentist to check the filling. In many cases, a slight modification of the filling in the tooth can help.

How Much Does A Temporary Filling Cost?

The best temp filling for tooth cost depends on the location, the price charged by the dentist, and the type of material used. In general, the best temp filling for tooth costs between 25 and 100$.

Factors that influence the cost of temporary tooth filling 

  • Location: The cost of every medical procedure varies according to location. 
  • Dentist prices: Prices charged by dentists vary. Some dentists charge a flat fee for temporary fillings, while others charge by the hour.
  • Type of material: The best temp tooth filling material also affects cost. Zinc oxide-eugenol cement is the most common temporary sealant and is relatively inexpensive. However, other materials, such as composite resin, can be expensive.

Moreover, it is not only the cost of temp filling for tooth itself; some other additional charges for tests and x-rays also count. 

But remember one thing, usually, insurance does not cover the cost of the best temp filling for tooth. To know further about the cost of this procedure, consult your dentist. He or she will understand the various factors that influence the price and can recommend appropriate materials.

To Sum Up

With good oral hygiene, the best temp tooth filling can last long, but not forever.

If a temp tooth filling is removed, consult a dentist immediately. Waiting too long to replace a filling can lead to cavities and other problems.

Until you see a dentist, keep the area where the filling was removed clean, and avoid eating and chewing in the affected area.

Ensure you seize the opportunity to dive into our comprehensive guide on Allis Forceps for Dental Procedures



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